Introducing a new noob…

Let’s be honest! We all started as noobs. Most of the guys never reach a state above “noob”.

But we’re not like that! As soon as we heard there’s a damsel in distress we were up to introducing him to the most secret of our secrets. And though we never thought he would be any good, he pretty much fit in perfectly.

He was struggling with being invisible from time to time (see below). But he never spoiled us! That’s more than we’ve had hoped for!

2015-06-23_17.45.09And this is one of those rather scary moments. You never know if they accidentally hit you…2015-06-23_17.51.17Most of the time they don’t. He didn’t. But his blue leather helmet fit nicely to his enchanted diamond armor.

Oh… After we hit their nexus quite a few times they were the first team to die. Better luck next time!

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